Group photo in Vietnam.

Highline Leads Third Successful Short-Term Study Abroad Trip

It’s a rare opportunity to get a first-hand look at the operations of a shoe factory in Vietnam.

But that’s precisely what Highline College, Tacoma Community College and North Seattle College students did during their Follow the Supply Chain Study Abroad Program trip held Sept. 1-10, 2023.

“While visiting Brooks [Running] factory, it was fascinating to see all the small elements that comprise a single shoe,” said Francine Roper, a Tacoma Community College student. “All the workers are cross-trained to work any equipment in their department.”

Roper, 48, lives in Olympia and is currently working on her associate degree in business with a concentration in global logistics. She was among 12 students who participated in the annual short-term study abroad program this summer, which guided students as they followed two products in the supply chain –– one exported to Vietnam (Washington apples) and another imported from Vietnam (Brooks shoes).

Students and college employees at the Brooks shoe factory in Vietnam.

Students and college employees at the Brooks shoe factory in Vietnam.

 Yet the program began long before students boarded the 12-plus hour flight to Southeast Asia. In August, students visited CMI Orchards in Wenatchee, Washington to tour its packaging facility and learn more about Washington’s apple industry and the Brooks headquarters in Seattle to learn about footwear design and development, trade compliance, and logistics.

Highline College student Luciano Frigo said having the opportunity to interact, ask questions and learn more about professionals’ experiences was invaluable.

“From the Brooks office in Seattle to the factory in Saigon, the visit to the [U.S.] consulate and all the talk about the relationship between the two countries –– as well as commercial practices and interests –– but mainly the visit to the port, which was extremely interactive, educational immersive and interesting,” said Frigo when asked what was most memorable about the trip.

Frigo is a Brazilian emigrant currently residing in Kent. He is studying for his Bachelor of Applied Science in Global Trade and Logistics and expects to graduate in March 2024.

Students and college employees enjoy a meal during their trip to Vietnam.

Students and college employees enjoy a meal during their trip to Vietnam.

“[This trip] gave me a bit of insight and exposure into my field of study, which

further fueled my ambition for a career in logistics and supply chain and put a lot of topics and questions on my plate to do research on,” Frigo said. “There are many possibilities out there, and this trip gave me the opportunity to see and reflect on my future and the direction I want to take in my professional and personal life.”

Launched in September 2019, the study abroad program was founded through a partnership between Highline College-based Center of Excellence for Global Trade and Supply Chain Management, Highline College, North Seattle College, Tacoma Community College and Wenatchee Valley College. This year’s trip marked the program’s fifth year with its third trip to Vietnam.

Students only had to pay $500 each for the Vietnam trip, while sponsors funded the rest. The trip’s sponsors include Lynden International, the U.S. Department of Education Center for International Business Education & Research (housed at the University of Washington Global Business Center), the University of Washington Center for Global Studies, and the University of Washington Southeast Asia Center, Seattle Colleges Foundation, Tacoma Community College Foundation and Highline College Foundation.

In addition to the shoe factory, students had a busy schedule of visiting the U.S. Consulate, touring a Wholesale Import Market at night, wearing hard hats on a tour at SP-SSA International Terminal (SSIT) – a port similar to our local Port of Seattle, swimming in the South China Sea in Vung Tau, visiting Foreign Trade University and two free days to explore Vietnam on their own.

Read what faculty and staff members had to say about the Follow the Supply Chain Study Abroad Program trip to Vietnam:

Did you know?

Highline College began offering a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Global Trade and Logistics in 2014 in collaboration with CWU’s Supply Chain Management certificate program. Highline has since changed the degree’s name to BAS in Applied Management, but students are still able to focus their education in global trade and logistics. The program’s inception had strong industry input from regional and national employers, such as CEVA Logistics, American President Lines, Federal Express Global Logistics, and DHL Global Forwarding.

Key Terms

Supply chain: the sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution of a commodity.
Global or international trade: the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories.
Logistics: the part of a supply chain that plans, implements, and controls the efficient flow and storage of goods between the point of origin and the point of destination in order to meet the requirements of customers or corporations.