Drafting Student Uses Leadership Position to Advocate for Change and Help Others
Demetrius understands how to look out for his fellow students. The 35-year-old is
a leader in the campus community, through his work at the Center for Cultural & Inclusive
How the Power of Education Helped Transform Highline Alumna
"I was in the 7th grade, when I began to ruin my life." This candid admission, from
Highline College Alumna Christy Bowman-White, reveals the downward trajectory she
faced at an early age before eventually finding her feet.
Design Student Finds Her Inspiration at Highline College
It can take a few attempts to get it right. Gabby Davidson explored a couple of
career paths before following her true passion and graduating with a Bachelor of Applied
Science in Integrated Design.
Lifelong Learner and Mother of Three Becomes Student Body President
"There’s always something new to learn." DeVoni (DeVo) Young embraces this way of
thinking by eagerly accepting challenges and opportunities that come her way.
Running Start Alumna Takes Seat as Renton Chamber of Commerce Board Chair
Once a shy, introverted teenager pursuing her associate degree as a Highline College
Running Start student in 2005, Danielle (Dani) Smith is now a force to be reckoned